Engaging families as experts: Collaborative family program development

Dr. Peter Fraenkel • 2006

Dr. Peter Fraenkel presents a culturally-sensitive approach to engaging economically- and socially-marginalized families as co-creators of community-based programs to strengthen their resilience. He examines this approach through his work with families in homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters.

The approach involves extensive qualitative interviews with families and a multiple family discussion group format for fostering resilience and family empowerment.

The ten steps of collaborative family program development are:

  1. Initiating the project, forming collaborative professional relationships, and engaging senior mentors as cultural and methodological consultants

  2. Intensive interviewing of family members

  3. Intensive interviewing of agency professionals

  4. Phrase-by-phrase qualitative coding

  5. Creating program formats and contents (group discussion themes, exercises) and writing initial manual 

  6. Piloting of group with session-by-session evaluations by participants

  7. Revising the program and manual

  8. Intensive interviewing of families for each subsequent group cycle

  9. Evaluating the effectiveness of the program in matched comparison or randomized designs 

  10. Disseminating and adapting program to other settings


Collective trauma, collective healing: Promoting community resilience in the aftermath of disaster